✨ How to Keep Your Diamonds Sparkling ✨

✨ How to Keep Your Diamonds Sparkling ✨

Did somebody say sparkly diamonds?

It's tough keeping our jewelry looking like new, or at least that's what I used to think. The fact of the matter is that by following just a few precautionary acts.

I was able to keep my wedding and engagement rings in perfect condition and they've been through many trying times with me! I've never had a crack, break, or accidentally lost a ring. But boy did my diamonds used to get filthy!

Now, I always keep them clean. I use stainless steel cleaners on the prongs and have my own polishing cloths. I don't have time to sit around getting all diamonds spritzed, so they get the diamond cleaner and mineral spirits treatment when they need it. I keep them separate from my clunkier things.

Now, they sparkle like new!

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